Thousands Of Zacatecas Fans Enjoy Amazing Concert With Air Supply

Concert assistance 41 years

The Governor Miguel Alonso Reyes enjoyed along with thousands of visitors zacatecanos and successful performance of the Australian band Air Supply, presented as part of the general program of the thirteenth edition of Zacatecas Cultural Festival 2016.


The members of the group Graham Russell and Russell Hitchcock, presented the best of their repertoire over the years has become an icon for generations, and so delighted the audience of the highest cultural festival of Zacatecas.


Melodies like Every woman, Here I am, Lost in love, Making love out of nothing at all, All out of love, which have been performed and chanted throughout the years, completed the presentation of this band for the second time he was in Zacatecas.


Air supply, band formed in 1975, has been awarded multiple times on the Billboard award, and along more than 40 years have vibrated to attend their concerts, as happened with the zacatecano public.


The members of the group repeatedly thanked the invitation to this Festival and the audience ‘s heart was won by exclaiming in Spanish Zacatecas Viva!


Governor Miguel Alonso Reyes gave the Silver Mining recognition to Australian musicians, for their great presentation, which met all the expectations of the audience that packed the historic Plaza de Armas.

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